Thursday, January 13, 2011

How to get rid of stinkin' thinkin'

Isn't it iteresting when we have a negative thought that we hold onto it as if a piece of VELCRO was keeping it securely attached to our minds?

AND have you ever noticed when you get a compliment, an atta-boy, someone sends you some business, or you hear yourself affirming yourself or another ...that those are fleeting moments that just slide away from us as if they were positioned on a TEFLON sheet?

Sooooo, just for today, why not consciously switch things around. Use your MENTAL VELCRO on ever positive thing that comes your way. And even pay attention to the amount of positive energy that you give out. Pay attention to your intentions for GOoD ... and notice when you take the little o out the word what is left for YOU ... hold onto THAT too.

And let this be the day that you allow your own stinkin' thinkin' SLIDE.

  • Let your opposing political positions SLIDE with an adversary;
  • Let your upsets about how someone did something wrong SLIDE;
  • Let some of that old gossip SLIDE;
  • Let your upset at a co-worker, a friend, or a family member SLIDE as if it was on a TEFLON sheet.

  • Will you let me know HOW using a TEFLON SHEET for your stinkin' thinkin' works for you?

And better than that, let me know what a difference it make when you use some MENTAL VELCRO for all of the GOoD that comes to you today? Please hang on to that GOoD stuff, ok?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I ask of life only one thing

"Let us do and let our deeds cast long shadows ... let us remake the soul of our people, let us throw ourselves into the future.

I ask of life only one thing, use me."

--Attributed to Joseph Guibord