Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life is a buffet of contrasting experiences

We want you to enjoy the contrasting experience, just like you enjoy the contrasting buffet.

And we want you to reach the place (and practicing Virtual Reality will help you to gain this confidence) that whenever you're in front of a buffet that has so much that you do like to eat,
as well as some that you don't like to eat, you don't feel frustrated that there are things there you don't want to eat. You don't feel compelled to put them on your plate and eat them; you just pick the things that you like.

And the Universe of thought is the same way. You can choose from it the things that you like. CHOOSE what you LIKE...choose what you love....and you feel happy and satisfied.

Excerpted from the workshop in Salt Lake City, UT on Saturday, June 29th, 2002

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Learn to manage your own vibration.

By paying attention to the way you FEEL, and then CHOOSING THOUGHTS that FEEL the very BEST . . . then YOU are managing your own vibration.

This means you are controlling your own point of attraction -- which means YOU are creating your own reality.

It is such a wonderful thing to realize that YOU can create your own reality without sticking your nose in everybody else's. And the less attention you give to everybody else's reality, the purer your vibration.

And the purer your vibration ... the more you are going to be pleased with what comes to you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Be Set FREE Fast

Whenever I am treating:

[state the problem]
I am not only ELIMINATING the emotional roots and the deepest cause, but I am also ELIMINATING:
  • Anything that would make me want to keep the problem
  • Ever taking the problem back
  • Ever permitting it to come back
  • Ever passively allowing it to come back....or.....
  • Ever be the least bit receptive to this problem ever again

My subconscious mind is NOW instructed to automatically carry out this treatment when I say specific word or phrase.

This process was created by Dr. Larry Nims PhD. Combine what is written here with the next post.

BSFF-part 2

I have reposted this information on BSFF because I am so impressed with the simplicity of Dr. Nims BSFF process. Please go to:
1) Notice the problem with your conscious mind. You do not have to describe, identify, or label the problem. If you have words or labels for the problem, fine, but it is not necessary for totally effective treatment. You only need to consciously notice that you have a problem.

2) Treat the problem; that is, think, whisper, speak, visualize, or write your cue word to treat that problem. Your subconscious mind does the actual treatment work--immediately and instantly--for you.

This process thoroughly eliminates that specific problem with just one use of your cue.

  • Successively treat any other problems that you are experiencing at that time.

  • Remember, your subconscious mind is always monitoring everything that you experience, including what your conscious mind is noticing and doing.

  • It knows the entire history and purpose of each problem you are noticing, and it will faithfully respond to your intention to treat each problem when you signal your faithful servant by using your cue word(s).

3) Treat all angers and unforgiveness that you may have toward another person at the time that you are working on problems with that relationship. Likewise, treat any anger at God, the world, or life as it arises.

4) Treat each problem involved in every issue until you feel a sense of peace and comfort in relationship to the problem/issue you are working on. That is, keep treating until, when you attune (tune in to) it again, you have no more negative experience or sense of limitation of any kind about it at all (in your mind, emotions, body and spirit.)

5) Treat all problems that you have time for in your session, whether working with yourself or a client. Be sure to treat every problem involved in each issue that you work on during your session. This includes treating for any anger and unforgiveness (as it comes up) toward each person that you are working on.

6) When progress stops, sometimes there are a network of problems that are keeping the targeted problem in place. This is called a Fail-Safe System.

Note that more than one Fail-Safe problem is active when progress is interrupted, especially in chronic issues. When this happens, treat the following statements of the Fail-Safe System, and this will usually restore progress. Any one of these can stop progress.

1) “I want to be free of this problem.”

2) “I am willing to be free of this problem.”

3) “I am willing to be free of this problem permanently from now on.”

4) “I give myself permission to be free of this problem from now on.”

5) “It’s okay for me to be completely free of this problem from now on.”

6) “I deserve to be permanently free of this problem from now on.”

7) “I am willing to receive all of the positive benefits of being free of this problem.”

8) “I will do everything necessary to ensure that I am free and remain continually free of this problem from now on.”

9) “There are still one or more problems that will make me keep or take back this problem.”

10) “There is still something in me that will make me keep or take back this problem.”

11) “I am still vulnerable to taking this problem back sometime.”

7) At the end of each treatment session it is imperative to do the Closing Sequence.

This is a series of treatment steps to help keep problems from returning to support the continued effective use of BSFF in your daily life. rest for these common problems.

I call them “Stoppers.” Most of them appear for everyone, due to old subconscious programming in all of us.
You can use your cue just once to treat for all nine of these "Stoppers" simultaneously.

  • “I am afraid that these treatments won’t work for me."

  • “I am afraid that these treatments won’t last."

  • “I doubt that they will work."

  • “I doubt that they will last."

  • “I don’t trust myself to do things effectively in these new ways."

  • “I doubt that I will do things effectively in these new ways."

  • “I doubt my ability to live out these changes in my life."

  • “I am vulnerable to taking back one or more of these problems I have just treated.”

  • "All other problems that could cause me to take back any problems that I have treated."

8) Next, clear up all anger toward yourself related to the problems you have been working on in that session.We are highly programmed to be angry and unforgiving toward ourselves for every problem that we have treated, whether or not we are consciously aware of these destructive attitudes and feelings.

Do one treatment (use your cue once) for all angers at yourself about every problem that you have treated in that session. That is, you do only one treatment for the combined total of every problem that you have just been working on in that entire session.

9) Forgive yourself for all of the problems that you have been working on in that session. Again, just do one forgiveness treatment for the combined total of unforgivenesses toward yourself in all the problems you have been working on in that session. In the original instructions your subconscious was told to treat all angers and unforgiveness toward yourself when you say your cue once for all of them.

10) Use whatever spiritual method you have to clear up (in your relationship to your Creator/God) the negative spiritual effects of the judgmental, critical and unforgiving attitudes you have been holding with the problems you have just treated. This is crucial in order to help insure that treated problems do not return.

11) "Dust yourself off," get up and go enjoy your new freedom!

That’s it. BSFF is deceptively simple, yet very profound in its effectiveness. Just do the treatments and you will get wonderful results for most every type of problem, including many physical symptoms and illnesses that have emotional roots.

Keep in mind that you do not have to believe that BSFF works in order to be hugely successful with it. It does work—because we are all made this way by our Creator. We simply did not know about how to use these concepts before.

So, go for it!

You do not have to settle for the vast majority of psychological and physical problems, post-traumatic stresses and personal limitations that have been programmed into your subconscious mind.

Now we can do the thorough treatment work that we have always wanted to do—for ourselves and for others.

Please buy Dr. Nims book Be Set Free Fast @

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Procrastination is the inability to stop stopping yourself.

Procrastination is not just a bad habit; it is a compulsion. (for more on this, go to

My definition of compulsion is if you can’t control when you start or stop a substance or activity, you have a compulsion.

Procrastination is the inability to stop stopping yourself. That is why it is so difficult to overcome. The more procrastinators delay, avoid or forget, the more guilt and shame builds up, and self-esteem suffers. Energy Psychology techniques can eliminate the underlying causes of this chronic negative behavior.

Procrastination is fueled by FEAR.

Recent discoveries in brain function and chemistry provide new understanding and new ways to cope with behavioral problems. Unpleasant experiences in the past may have created specific fear reactions that are chemically coded in the brains of procrastinators. In their present lives, they have experiences that remind the brain of those old situations when parents, teachers or peers ridiculed them, authority figures punished them, etc. The brain reactivates that moment as if it was happening again.

Procrastinators becomes stuck in the fear state and put off beginning, working on or finishing things in order to avoid reliving their painful past.

These early life experiences lead procrastinators to make decisions that have remained in their unconscious mind ever since.

False Beliefs such as,
  • “I must be perfect or I am a failure.”
  • "I am not good enough, not smart enough, not talented enough so why start?"
  • “People will laugh at me or criticize if I get things wrong.”
  • “It is dangerous to be too successful.”
  • "You know who will be upset with you and you will have to pay the piper."
  • “If I succeed I will always have to be the best.” become their life scripts.

Most procrastinators are so used to living with these fears that constant anxiety seems a natural way of life.

Energy Psychology techniques can enable procrastinators to re-evaluate thoughts, beliefs and behaviors and heal the emotional scars of the early frightening memories that led to these False Beliefs and perpetuate this negative behavior.

EFT is acupressure for the emotions.

The goal of EFT is to heal emotional problems.

The theory behind this technique is that old emotional wounds are stored in the body/mind as blocked energetic patterns. [ this information is copied from Gloria Arenson's Five Simple Steps to Emotional Healing]

Stimulating specific energy points by gentle tapping or holding releases the block, allowing our body/mind system to process the troubling problem. As the energy is brought into balance, thoughts about upsetting circumstances change and negative emotions diminish.

This process takes place on a bioelectromagnetic level throughout our being.

EFT is a self-healing approach based on the understanding that the body and mind are inextricably intertwined.

This 5-step procedure allows healing to take place.

Five Easy Steps
  1. Choose a problem. Tune in to that problem while gently tapping the eight energy points to balance the energy.
  2. Now rate the intensity of your negative feeling from 0-10 with 10 being the most intense.
  3. State this Affirmation three times while tapping the Karate Chop spot or rubbing the Tender spot (see the chart of Tapping Points):

"Even though ___fill in the blank___[I have this problem], I completely love/accept myself."

4. Tap the remaining energy points (eyebrow, side of eye, under eye, under nose, under lip, under collarbone, under arm) as you speak a reminder word or phrase such as: "this problem", "my anger/fear/guilt", or "releasing this problem."

5. Take a deep breath. Take stock. What is your rating now?

Notice any new thoughts or memories and practice Step 4 on each one until it is neutralized.

Return to the original problem and repeat Steps 4 and 5 until you reach zero or the problem is resolved. Zero means that you no longer feel any negative charge.