Saturday, April 4, 2009

Procrastination is the inability to stop stopping yourself.

Procrastination is not just a bad habit; it is a compulsion. (for more on this, go to

My definition of compulsion is if you can’t control when you start or stop a substance or activity, you have a compulsion.

Procrastination is the inability to stop stopping yourself. That is why it is so difficult to overcome. The more procrastinators delay, avoid or forget, the more guilt and shame builds up, and self-esteem suffers. Energy Psychology techniques can eliminate the underlying causes of this chronic negative behavior.

Procrastination is fueled by FEAR.

Recent discoveries in brain function and chemistry provide new understanding and new ways to cope with behavioral problems. Unpleasant experiences in the past may have created specific fear reactions that are chemically coded in the brains of procrastinators. In their present lives, they have experiences that remind the brain of those old situations when parents, teachers or peers ridiculed them, authority figures punished them, etc. The brain reactivates that moment as if it was happening again.

Procrastinators becomes stuck in the fear state and put off beginning, working on or finishing things in order to avoid reliving their painful past.

These early life experiences lead procrastinators to make decisions that have remained in their unconscious mind ever since.

False Beliefs such as,
  • “I must be perfect or I am a failure.”
  • "I am not good enough, not smart enough, not talented enough so why start?"
  • “People will laugh at me or criticize if I get things wrong.”
  • “It is dangerous to be too successful.”
  • "You know who will be upset with you and you will have to pay the piper."
  • “If I succeed I will always have to be the best.” become their life scripts.

Most procrastinators are so used to living with these fears that constant anxiety seems a natural way of life.

Energy Psychology techniques can enable procrastinators to re-evaluate thoughts, beliefs and behaviors and heal the emotional scars of the early frightening memories that led to these False Beliefs and perpetuate this negative behavior.

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