Thursday, March 25, 2010

Back to Basics with Louise Hay Live

AFFIRMATIONS: are anything you THINK ~ SAY and even DO

Saying AFFIRMATIONS helps you CREATE or ELIMINATE something in your life.

You are creating and affirming all of the time, so doing it consciously is powerful.

My Zippity Do-Dah song is good for me when I want to SHIFT.

ASK yourself: What am I thinking NOW?

  • VOW to eliminate that which you don't want.

  • VOW to get very CLEAR about what you do want.

  • Beliefs are simply your patterns of habitual thinking + doing.

    EVERY COMPLAINT is an AFFIRMATION of what YOU don't want.

    Every time you get ANGRY, YOU are affirming the part of you that is a playing out the VICTIM are affirming: I am powerless.

You can't look back and blame your parents. That generation did not know any of this, so you much teach yourself + others as you wake up and consciously create what you do want.

IE: If someone wants more prosperity, they might say: My prosperity is increasing.
But then if they turn around and complain about x-y-z and talk about x-y-z

AND we ALL know that complaints are repeated more often and said with greater feeling than most positive affirmation, so right now: affirm the sale of your home, affirm the money coming to you through the new work that you do, affirm the love and support that you are getting from friends, family, clients and others.

SHIFT that feeling . . .Sing Zippity Do-Dah and turn around how your are FEELING then say your affirmation with happiness and joy.

Creating/Saying a NEW affirmation is like planting a seed in the soil of your garden. You must prepare the soil, so when the seed/plant goes it, it has a wonderful environment to begin in.

  • Fertile soil creates abundance, inadequate soil creates weak-puny plants and sometimes no plants.

  • AND, You must pull the weeds, pull out everything YOU don't want...

  • THEN compost it ... where it can be transformed. And we all know the compost pile takes care of itself.

The better your AFFIRMATION, the happier you FEEL, the better you work your garden...the more quickly miracles can happen.

IF you don't believe YOU deserve good, then it won't come to will go to the person who BELIEVES.

CHOOSE NOW: I will choose happy thoughts. Zippity Do-Dah

What we choose RIGHT NOW is creating our future.

The more consistently you choose to use your AFFIRMATIONS and choose to feel HAPPY the faster you will manifest what you do want.

And, it does not happen in 1-day or 1-hours. You may have to try on new behaviors... so ...Allow the process to unfold.

And, it is important to be kind and gentle to yourself as the changes are is a the process.

Do not put yourself down.
When you are creating a new HABIT, celebrate with a happy thought,
and sing Zippity Do-Dah when an old negative comes back into your mind. Pull that weed out of your garden as fast as you can.

Stay in the present MOMENT.
NOW is most important. Fear about the future is not here NOW.
Upset, Blame, Regret of the past is not here NOW.
LIFE is very simple in the NOW.

Don't share your affirmations with people who are critical of new thought--keep your ideas to yourself--then when your friends mention that you are changing--that is the time to share.

Louise used to try to FIX THINGS...then she discovered that if she could just teach you to LOVE yourself, that everything would settled down.

MIRROR WORK is hard to do at first.

First thing in the morning, even before you go potty:

Look in the mirror and say:
your name, I love you, I really really LOVE you.

This will turn ON your inner LIGHT.

Every time you look in the mirror, SAY a positive affirmation.

It is easy to run away from YOURSELF when you start Mirror Work, but when you look into your own eyes and say I love you, I really really love you, watch how fast it will bring up your tish.

When we look back, it is easy to see how beautiful we were or how successful we were, and now we have to learn how to make peace with who we are, how we look as this age and how we choose to work at this age. AGE is meaningless--just love yourself right now. Be productive right now.

  • IF you have a bad moment in the day, RUN to the mirror and say I love you, I love you.

  • IF you have a great moment in the day, Run to the mirror and say I love you + thank you--thank you--thank you.

AFFIRMATIVE WORDS take you beyond the present moment and take you into a better NOW.

Plant the seeds of GOoD in your MIND. Know that you are dealing with BLACK GOLD: that rich and fertile soil you grew up with that is ready for good seed.


Start your affirmations with these words:


I am free physically, financially, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to feel LOVE for everyone and everything around me.

I have SOLD my Little Cottonwood Villa for the perfect price to the perfect people....and....the profits will be invested wisely for my future.

I accept the gift of time as I now understand it different from before. Thank you for this life lesson to understand the importance of doing it NOW.

I am creative, courageous and free to design the business of my desires.

I have all of the resources that I need to be wildly successful.

I accept all of the support from people-projects-processes who want to see me succeed.

Thank you~Thank you~Thank you. I love who I am and what I do.

What you THINK, you CREATE.

What your CO-worker, friend, neighbor, spouse thinks, THEY create.

  • People, places and things will change as you Affirm the LOVE for yourself and Affirm What you Do Want.
  • You will no longer attract those people, their negativity, when YOU change YOUR affirmations.

  • You will no longer find yourself in that circumstance when YOU change your thinking and you consciously choose to change WHAT you are affirming.

How do you turn around a negative thought?

  • The thoughts your think, the words your chose determine your good health.
  • Talking about your PROBLEM will not help you, nor will it solve the problem.
  • Learn HOW to take care of yourself--what foods are right for you, wrong for you.
  • Learn HOW to take care of yourself--what thoughts/words are right for you , what are wrong for you.
  • Send LOVE to your BODY.
  • Send LOVE to everyBODY.

The more you anchor an affirmation into place, the faster you can change. So change your words from:

  • I hate my body ---> I love my body--I love everybody
  • bills-bills-bills ---> Money flows to ME in a vibrant way.
  • Nobody loves me--->I radiate love and everybody loves me.

FOODS: Louise likes Chicken-Fish-Fruit-Vegetables--they make her feel good and look better. Coconut Oil, Avocados are OK, For long term good health, she says to simply give up sugar-wheat-dairy.

When you are walking down the street, when walking down the hall, or sitting in the car, affirm to yourself:

I am beautiful and everybody loves me
I am beautiful and everybody loves me
I am beautiful and everybody loves me

Always a NEW door is opening.
Always a NEW door is opening.
Always a NEW door is opening.

I love life and it takes care of me
All is well, everything is working out for my highest good
and out of this situation the universe will find the right solution.

I love my LIFE and LIFE loves me.
I love my LIFE and LIFE loves me.
I love my LIFE and LIFE loves me.

FORGIVE what you CAN
...and... LOVE who you ARE.

Louise suggests: The door of my heart opens inwardly. AND, when one door closes, another one watch for those openings.

She says to NOTE that it is no fun being a victim--so change that mindset by choosing to move into the NOW with LOVE.

And I am noticing a door opening around the blue/yellow colors that I am attracting to me. Thank you for this opening. Thank you for this opportunity.

These were my notes taken as I listened to Louise Hay as she presented a LIVE EVENT on 3-25-2001 at

I LOVE Hay House Radio and would love to have my own show one day.

1 comment:

  1. Today is MLK day--thank you for this day 01-17-2011 for I am so enthusiastic and I have so much energy, vim and vigor for this day as I say yes, as I accept the offer that is being made.
