Wednesday, August 11, 2010

When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.

I was giving a sermon at the Church of Religious Science many years ago and shared this story:

In India monkey meat is a delicacy. Hunters found it particularly easy to capture monkeys.

All they had to do was to drill a hole in the side of a young coconut. The hole had to be just big enough for the monkey to put his fingers together and slide his hand in.

Monkeys love the meat of the young coconuts, so they easily slide their hands into the hole, scrape the coconut meat away from the sides of the coconut wall...but that is where they "get caught".

The hole is not large enough to bring their bounty with them.

This is the point of choice to Let Go and LIVE, or Hold on and DIE.

How many of you have held on to a relationship, a situation, a job that was killing you day by day, but you simply could not let go of the coconut meat long enough to "pull out" on that situation so you could not only Live but could THRIVE in a much better place.

OK, so this week, think about the places that don't work in your life, where you need to (as they say in all of the 12-step programs): Let Go and Let GoD.

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